Frequently asked questions

Dog's paw prints emoji used for confetti
Here you will find the questions we get asked the most about running for us at London Marathon. If you still haven't found the answer to your question here, then please email us at

How long does it take to get my fundraising pack?

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Please allow 2 weeks for your fundraising pack and clothing item to arrive.

Why should I get my name printed on my running top?

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People with their names printed on their running top will get support from people all around the route. Sometimes someone calling out your name is all you need for that extra push!

Is there a fundraising target if I have a ballot place?

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No, we only give fundraising targets to people with Dogs Trust charity places. We really appreciate people who have decided to use their own place to raise fund for Dogs Trust.

I would like to apply for a Dogs Trust charity place?

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Dogs Trust have very limited charity places in the London Marathon, so we pick our runners through an application process. For more information and our application form you can find that here.

I already have a fundraising page, why should I set up a Dogs Trust fundraising page?

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If you raise funds via your Dogs Trust fundraising page, you will be included in our team leaderboard and can earn special fundraising badges as you go! You can also make use of useful features in your dashboard such as sharing your page to your personal contacts.

Can I get in touch with the team?

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Yes, please email the team at and we will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

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